Leave the Judgin’ to Jesus!

Leave the Judgin’ to Jesus!

Jan 16, 2019Hannah Martin

I was raised to believe there’s enough sun for everybody, to see the best in others and that comparison is the thief of joy. Let me tell you that while I claim that was in my raising, I still fall short. Every. Single. Day. Lord, help me. Still, in my imperfection, God gave me an amazing husband. While raising our children over the years, I would hear him tell our daughters things like “it doesn’t matter what they smell like, look like, are dressed like, or where they come from, you be kind; Jesus loves us all the same.” In both situations, I feel like the same statement rings true we are to - leave the judgin’ to Jesus. Something I have to remind myself on the daily, if ya know what I mean.

 Don’t Judge. We love to say it, shout it on the rooftop even, but are we practicing it? I think we should all take a moment to do a heart-check to see where we’re at on the topic. The truth of the matter is, much like other well-intended goals, and ways to live by, these are harder said than done, and need to have discipline and diligence in carrying out. In this support group, let me be the first to say: Hello, my name is Hannah and I at times have/do put myself in the Judge’s seat (oooh, what a tough spot to be). Now that I am aware of this and the damage this can to to myself and others, I am constantly praying that the Holy Spirit corrects me on the spot, for which I ask for forgiveness and remind myself to - leave the judgin’ to Jesus.

For the feeling you get when you see “that mom” in the car line that’s always hauling tail just to skip everyone in line who have patiently waited in their “rightful spot” I say to you, my darlin’ friend, leave the judgin’ to Jesus.

For the co-worker who is always. late. and doesn’t work half as hard as you do, yet get’s equal pay, I say to you, leave the judgin’ to Jesus.

For the lady in the grocery store that has 12 kids running a muck and is struggling to keep her sanity as she checks out with her children, over-loaded cart, and a forced smile on her face, all so she doesn’t loose her ever-lovin’-mind, I say to you- leave the judgin’ to Jesus.

For the friend who is always posting selfies, boasting about her endless talents and accomplishments, and seems utterly perfect in every way, yet you feel like the angry emoji from the Emoji Movie, I say to you - leave the judgin’ to Jesus.

Remember you don’t know these people like Jesus does. For he doesn’t see people the way we do, he sees their heart. Something we as humans only get a tiny glimpse of from time to time. We don’t know their battles, where they’ve been, and where they’re going - only Jesus does. Who are we to even judge anyway, right? I mean to be honest, if someone where to follow me around, or better yet, catch me in a not so great mood, and they judged me based off of that instance, I wouldn’t feel that was fair in the least. -leave the judgin’ to Jesus

Am I guilty of this? Grudgingly, 100%. This is something I work on everyday, as my flesh takes over. What helps me steer clear, and stay on the straight and narrow, is staying in the Word of God and walking with Jesus, daily. Not just on holidays, not just on Sundays, but every hour of everyday - that’s the only way, ‘cause Lord knows I can’t do it on my own. I used to say that the people who put up with me on the regs were the real heroes, and was regrettably okay with that. I was operating out of the flesh, not out of the spirit, which undoubtedly left others, I’m sure, feeling ran over, pushed down, and deflated. This breaks my heart and crushes my soul. Still, God is a God of second chances (and third, and fourth, and so on…) so he encourages me to pick myself up, dust myself off, and restart. For these personal reasons, I thank you Lord, that it’s not our job to judge (me or) others, but to - leave the judgin’ to Jesus.



- Hannah

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Comments (2)

  • Everyone has a different story they have lived in their
    life, and sometimes we have to take time to know them.
    Thank you for taking time out to share things about you,
    your family, and the importance of judgement.

    Many blessings,


  • What a beautiful post and just what I needed to “hear” today. Thank you :)

    Beth S

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