Blogs by Hannah & Laci

Loving people is not easy.
People will hurt you.
They will disappoint you.
They will turn on you.
They will gossip about you.
They will fight you.

I was raised to believe there’s enough sun for everybody, to see the best in others and that comparison is the thief of joy. Let me tell you that while I claim that was in my raising, I still fall short. Every. Single. Day. Lord, help me. Still, in my imperfection, God gave me an amazing husband. While raising our children over the years, I would hear him tell our daughters things like “it doesn’t matter what they smell like, look like, are dressed like, or where they come from, you be kind; Jesus loves us all the same.” In both situations, I feel like the same statement rings true we are to - leave the judgin’ to Jesus. Something I have to remind myself on the daily, if ya know what I mean.

Welcome to our first ever Ruby’s Rubbish blog post, friends! Let me be the first to say, welcome. If you were standing next to me right now, we would share a hearty high five, like the fast friends we are. Right out of the gate let me say, we are not perfect and that’s what you will get here. A big heaping dollop of life, chalked full of the messy, the funny, the heartfelt and I hope so much more. Here you will find Hannah and I’s thoughts on just about everything, so hold on to your t-shirts, sunshine, away we go.